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Actimar Isotonic Seawater

This product is available for purchase in-store only.

ISOTONIC seawater solution delivers a complete array of bio available minerals and trace elements in a diluted, purified seawater solution.
Its concentration and natural mineral composition are remarkably like the blood plasma and extracellular fluid of the human body. 
Isotonic seawater fortifies the fluids which bathe the cells resulting in cellular nourishment, regeneration and hydration.

ISOTONIC seawater solution helps slow down the aging process, increase energy and strengthen the immune system.
It gently provides the complete spectrum of ionic minerals and trace elements in a form that the body can easily put to immediate use.

ISOTONIC seawater solution provides a profound yet gradual and balanced delivery of cellular nutrition and electrolytes.
It is seawater diluted to the salinity of our extracellular fluid.

ISOTONIC seawater contains 3 times less sodium than the HYPERTONIC solution. 
There are no contraindications for its use at the recommended doses.

Approved by Health Canada.
NPN 80038530

  • Actimar® Isotonic Seawater is recommended all age groups.
    At recommended doses, its use has no known contraindications.

    Recommended for
    • Energy – gentle boost
    • Hydration
    • Pregnancy
    • Mineral absorption & pH balance
    • Bones, teeth, skin, muscle function, tissue formation
    • Digestion and assimilation of nutrients
    • Bowel health
    • Osteoporosis
    • Electrolyte balance
    • Immune system support
    • Mental and muscular ease

    Main Active Ingredients (per 60ml)
    Chloride 348 mg
    Sodium 186 mg
    Sulfates 43 mg
    Magnesium 23 mg
    Calcium 8 mg
    Potassium 8 mg
    Bicarbonates 2 mg
    Boron 116 mcg
    Fluoride 28 mcg
    Phosphorus 9 mcg
    Zinc 1 mcg
    Iodine 0.6 mcg
    Molybdenum 0.2 mcg
    Copper 0.2 mcg
    Iron 0.04 mcg
    Manganese 0.03 mcg

    Non-Active Ingredients
    Pharmaceutical grade purified water

    Purity of Product & Source
    The sea water used in Actimar® products is collected from an unpolluted area in the Atlantic Ocean. The harvested seawater is micro-filtered and sterilized, without the use of heat, in European pharmaceutical production facilities using processes and equipment that exceed US and European pharmaceutical standards. The final product is tested and certified for microbiological purity and mineral composition by European pharmaceutical testing laboratories.

    Packaged in pharmaceutical grade glass.
    Bottles made in Belgium.
    Ampules made in France.

    Approved by Health Canada.
    NPN 80038530

    About Actimar®
    Actimar® is a Quebec-based business that has been providing high quality sterilized seawater products since 1990. The business was founded by a licensed homeopathic practitioner, Mme Biss.
    During a visit to France, she discovered the amazing curative powers of seawater and its long history of use in Europe. She started importing Quinton Marine Plasma for her clinic from the last French laboratory producing Quinton marine plasma according to Rene Quinton’s strict criteria. In 1996 that company went bankrupt.
    In 2000, after 3 years of research and preparation, the Biss family launched Quinton America® which is now also known as Biocean® and Actimar®. The seawater for Actimar® products is sourced off the coast of Brittany and processed in modern GMP laboratories in Europe. The processing of Actimar® products remains true to the unique expertise that has evolved directly from the remarkable work of Rene Quinton.
    Actimar® products are also available under the following brand names: QuintonAmerica®, Biocean®, Pure Marine Plasma®

    The information on this website is for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this website. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.
  • Recommended Adult Dose (oral)
    20 ml (4 teaspoons), 3 times daily before breakfast or 2 hours after meals.
    For optimal absorption (sublingual), hold in mouth for 1 minute before swallowing.

    ISOTONIC seawater solution is suitable for people of all ages.
    There are no contraindications for its use at the recommended dose.

    Store at room temperature away from direct light.
    Bottles: refrigerate and consume within 3 months after opening

    The information on this website is for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this website. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.